Developmental procedure of Medical Science from the beginning of creation till now:-

Author: Dr. Pramod Kumar
B.Sc., Ayurvedacharya, B.A.M.S.
After the creation of the universe, as human civilization was being expanded and Population started to grow, since that time human beings started living in small living pockets making their settlements.
Human body, which is a natural gift to human beings, is going to be nourished by water and other food materials. Food materials intake is then processed and digested & assimilated with body material and in this order some waste products are also produced in the body, which are to be removed from the body in the form of stool, urine & sweat etc. In eating and digesting and formation of these waste products and in the removal process of these wastes, if something is mistaken or if the environment is polluted, then body becomes sick. Ideas, thinking, meditation and research have been done in all parts of the world to raise the means of prevention and liberation from these diseases.
In all these, we find the oldest literature in the form of Atharvaveda, which was first explanation of all about prevention and treatment of diseases.
Being the science of health by healing and prevention from diseases, knowledge of the age was to be known first as Ayurveda. Later, in different places of the world, tasks and exploration were done in this subject according to their own methods and thinking; through the symposia etc.
Independent Development of Different Medical Systems in various parts of the world:-
Till the interaction process continued with the mindset engaged in this holy work in the whole world. Integrated principles continued to be rendered, but due to some unknown reasons the interaction between them, was broken and the work done at different places, due to the variation of the languages and the circumstances of different parts of the world, integration and globalization of them could not be possible & So the Medical science was to develop in different names such as Ayurveda, Greek, Homoeopathy, Chinese, Allopathic Medical Science etc.
The most popular Allopathic Modern Medical Science is being used profusely in the world, but there are some reasons, why it is not proven to be provocative for the disease prevention process. There are many reasons to describe them, but we do not have any motive or any concern to describe or to count them. We are the carriers of the culture and the medical system, which is the most safe and quick healthcare provider.
Quality of medicines of Ayurveda
Of course, Ayurvedic Medicines, if manufactured in accordance with the principles of Ayurveda, and if they are properly used for their “To the Point action”, then the aspirants provide immediate relief from diseases & they become too much beneficial, Prompt working at the fastest speed. But unfortunately, some of our physicians are not working unitedly & so unable to reach to a point due to-
- Not working in an organized way,
- Due to lack of will to exchange their knowledge,
- Due to being blind followers of most modern-day Allopaths by some no proper results could be obtained.
But as the whole world is awaiting for us because of some miraculous effects of Ayurvedic treatment but it is also a bitter truth, that this is only less than 10% of the complete capacity of Ayurveda.
Our Dream Plan
This institution namely AYURVEDERA is being established only to bring back this same situation not only for India but also for humanity, through the establishment of reality of Ayurveda in the world. We are to move forward in this direction.
We are going to use the following resources to work in this route:-
- Educating the general public, who are not the physicians/Doctors, to prevent diseases by adopting first aid measures in very early stages of the disease, before developing its full symptoms.
- To collect Ayurveda doctors from all over the country and to establish a portal / system of Ayurvedic Medical Services, through which the Ayurvedic medical specialists for the critical diseases from the network of our institution could pursue their services in their immediate surroundings. Doctors will be upgrading themselves through data collection and person to person interaction with these services and continues to develop accessible medical mechanism for multiple new diseases, publishing their knowledge to prospective physicians and their own colleagues. They are to be engaged to prepare their projects and continue to publish as a heritage for the medical community.
- In accordance with the principles of Ayurveda, we have to do something through our institution in order to make available aspirant medicines and to be made available for the use of physicians.
- It is very important to take care of Ayurvedic Doctors for their proper honor. It is our belief that honor can only be achieved by you by means of your knowledge and your efficiency. Therefore, to make Ayurvedic practitioners proficient in the Ayurvedic guidelines for Medicine, getting super-specialty in one or two subjects, connected with their system is also the subject of the work area of this institution.
- Honor or respect are not enough alone, it is also mandatory to arrange a respectable livelihood and proper earnings for these Ayush Doctors, for which they are searching the path for it since a very long time, for this purpose we have also prepared this path through this institution.