Cardio Vascular System
High blood pressure

Author: Dr. Pramod Kumar
B.Sc., Ayurvedacharya, B.A.M.S.
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Blood pressure is the pressure exerted on the walls of blood vessels due to the mass of blood during circulation. This pressure is not always uniform, it decreases as it goes from large arteries to small arteries, capillaries, and finally veins.
Certain Ayurvedic Terms:
In Ayurvedic literature, all the constituents of the body are divided into three categories known as VATA, PITTA & KAPHA. In order to understand this language, it is necessary to understand this thing specifically; Vata is responsible for all kinds of movements and sensations, that occur in the body, while Pitta is responsible for all Digestive and Metabolic processes. By this, heat and energy is produced in the body. Kapha is responsible for stability, weight and smoothness in the body.
All these should be in normal proportion in a normal healthy person. Here one thing is very important that no measurement system have been prescribed in this subject, hence nothing is there is to measure it, but it can easily be experienced by Pulse examination. Generally, according to their location, the ratio of intensity of pulse in place of Vata, Pitta and Kapha should be 4: 2: 1. No laboratory tests are required to know this ratio. Only an experienced person can tell it by examining with his fingers. Even a common man can learn it very easily with a little practice. To Know more about Pulse Examination ……Click here.
Important Topic:
Blood pressure, as the name suggests, is the pressure exerted by the blood on the walls of the blood vessels during circulation. When blood is pushed towards the arteries by the contraction of the heart muscle, it is the highest at that time it is called Systolic Blood Pressure. When the heart muscles are in a state of rest, the blood returns from the veins into the heart, then the blood pressure is at its lowest level, it is called Diastolic Blood Pressure.
This blood pressure is measured by an instrument called a Sphygmomanometer, its unit is mm/Hg. Generally Systolic Blood Pressure should be the number that comes from adding 90 to the age, yet this number should not be more than 140. While diastolic blood pressure should remain between 80 and 100. On the basis of my experience, I can say that this number should be less by 40 than the Systolic Blood Pressure only when a person feels normal.
According to Ayurveda, Vyan Vayu is responsible for blood circulation, in other words one can say that Vyan Vayu works by pushing the blood through the vascular channels by stimulating the arteries of the heart, which makes blood circulation possible.
Heart is also a place for Sadhak Pitta & Avlambak Kafa. This avlambak kafa provides strength and stability to the heart muscle while the Sadhak pitta produces energy for action potentials through the process of metabolic activities in these muscles. The Sadhak pitta does not allow the heart muscle to depress by this energy.
As stated “व्यान: सर्व शरीरग:” Vyana Vayu is responsible for the beating of the heart and arteries circulating the blood throughout the body, thus the the process of blood circulation is controlled and governed by Vyan Vayu, Sadhak Pitta & Avlambak Kafa in coordination with each other with their proper proportionate value.
In the event of deterioration of the balance of any one of these three, there is an obstruction in the proper circulation of blood. The increase of the Avlambak kafa causes tightness in the Valves of heart and arteries found in them, causing inertia or lethargy feelings in them, which disrupts the process of filling the blood in the heart. With the increase of the Sadhak Pitta causes the laxity of the heart and arterial muscles and valves. The Heart becomes enlarged and the increase of the Vyan Vayu causes the Cardiac Fluttering.
In addition, other conditions may also arise from the increase of one of the above and the decrease of the other. such as the lack of Vyan Vayu and the excess of the avlambak Kafa can reduce the blood pressure, while on the other hand, the excess of the Vyan Vayu in co-ordination of Avlambak Kafa may increase the Blood Pressure, while with Sadhak Pitta increases the difference between Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure and may cause the dilatation of heart.
In this way, we can say that when we think about the treatment of the patient related to the Heart and Cardio vascular System, it is necessary to reconcile the above three like other diseases here too. No single medicine can prove to be appropriate for all individuals because of work-related so many differences. Amrita which we commonly know as Giloy, Haritaki, Sarpgandha Amalki Ashvgandha, Arjuna & Yogasanas Specially Dhyan Yoga known as Meditation along with our Multiplus Pulv. (Avipattikar Choorna), Kamdudha Ras, Soot Shekhar Ras etc have an important role in its remedies. But before treatment, one should take information about position of these three (Vyan Vayu, Sadhak Pitt & Avlambak Kafa) because without it, the practice can’t be told to be proper in any way.
Therefore, if you want to treat heart and Cardio Vascular diseases, including blood pressure also, then you should first know about the Vyan Vayu, Sadhak Pitt & Avlambak Kafa.
Thank you